Hotel Mas Rabiol's privacy policy

Hotel Mas Rabiol's privacy policy

Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

The person responsible for the processing of personal data is Glòria Pérez Lucía (hereinafter Hotel Mas Rabiol), with CIF 40979165L, address Camio de Canapost in Peralta, 12 de Peratallada (CP 17113), telephone 972 634 296 and email Figure registered in the Commercial Registry of Girona, volume

For what purpose and with what legitimacy do we process the data?

Contact. We answer questions from people who contact us by email, contact forms on our website or by telephone. We process this data with the consent of the person who has contacted us.

Customer services. We record clients and additional data that may be generated as a result of the commercial relationship with these clients. The commercial relationship involves incorporating the data into accounting, billing or information to the tax administration. We process this data in compliance with contractual relationships and legal obligations.

Data management of our suppliers. We process the data of the suppliers from whom we obtain services or goods. We obtain the data necessary to maintain the commercial relationship and use it solely for this purpose. We process this data in compliance with contractual relationships and legal obligations.

Product and service information . With the authorization of the people interested in receiving information, their contact information is used to send advertising related to our services or products. We process this data based on the consent of the person receiving the communications.

To whom is the data communicated?

As a general criterion, we only communicate data to administrations or public powers and always in compliance with legal obligations. The identifying data of the people staying in our establishments are communicated to the General Directorate of the Police, in compliance with Order IRP/418/2010, of August 5, on the obligation of registration and communication in the General Directorate of the Police of the people staying in the lodging establishments.

How long do we retain data?

We comply with the legal obligation to limit the data retention period to the maximum. For this reason, they are kept only for the time necessary and justified by the purpose for which they were obtained. In certain cases, such as the data contained in the accounting documentation and billing, tax regulations require that they be kept until the responsibilities in this matter have expired. In the case of data that is processed based on the consent of the interested person, it is kept until this person revokes that consent.

What rights do people have in relation to the data we process?

The people whose data we process have the following rights:

To access. Right to know what personal data is being processed, the purpose for which it is processed, communications to other people, the right to obtain a copy or know the expected retention period.

To request rectification. Right to have inaccurate data rectified.

To request its deletion. Right to request the deletion of data when, among other reasons, it is not necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and justified its processing.

Request limitation of treatment. In certain circumstances there is the right to request the limitation of the processing of data: they will no longer be processed and will only be kept for the exercise or defense of claims.

On portability. Right to obtain personal data in a commonly used machine-readable format, and to transmit it to another controller if the interested party so decides.

To oppose the treatment. By citing reasons related to their particular situation, a person can ask us to stop processing their data if it could cause them harm.

How can rights be exercised or defended?

The rights that we have just listed can be exercised by sending a written request to Hotel Mas Rabiol at our postal address or by sending an email to indicating in all cases "Protection of personal data". If a satisfactory response has not been obtained in the exercise of rights, it is possible to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through the forms or other channels accessible from its page

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